How to Obtain a FE Exam Waiver | Engineering License Made Easier

Do you want to get a Waiver for the FE Exam? Understanding the requirements and regulations for FE exam waivers is crucial when pursuing licensure as a Professional Engineer, and in this article, (and video above), I explore the various requirements and regulations for obtaining a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam waiver in different states.

Direct PE Exam Application:

In certain states, individuals who possess at least 12 years of acceptable engineering work experience, including five years of being in “responsible charge,” can apply directly for the Professional Engineering (or PE) exam without taking the FE exam. Responsible charge refers to the direct control and personal supervision of engineering work. Additionally, individuals holding a post-baccalaureate engineering degree from an accredited program may claim creditable experience, up to a maximum of two years through one of the following:

1. Progressive Engineering Experience:

If you are currently working in an engineering position after graduation, your experience is considered “progressive engineering experience.” This experience can be fully referenced when applying for the PE exam.

2. Exceptions for Accredited Degrees and Educators:

Applicants holding a post-baccalaureate engineering degree from an accredited program may receive creditable experience toward the requirement, up to a maximum of two years. Additionally, engineering educators and individuals with advanced accredited degrees may have alternative criteria for waiving the FE and/or PE exams.

Here Are the Requirements for Obtaining an FE Waiver in Arizona, Texas, California and North Carolina:

Arizona FE Waiver Packet Requirements:

The Engineer Fundamentals Exam Waiver Packet in Arizona includes several essential documents. These include a completed application with all questions answered, a signed check or money order for the application fee, the Arizona Statement of Citizenship form, a copy of a government-issued ID, verification of licensure/registration from all registered states, official college transcripts if applicable, three Certificates of Experience Record and Reference forms (if applicable), and any relevant disciplinary or criminal documents.

Texas Board of Professional Engineers’ Waiver Criteria:

The Texas Board of Professional Engineers typically requires applicants to take and pass both the FE and PE exams. However, there are situations where the examination requirement can be waived. To be eligible for a waiver, applicants must fulfill specific criteria such as submitting a standard application, paying the application fee, providing a letter requesting the waiver(s), passing the ethics exam, and documenting a certain number of years of creditable experience based on their educational background.

FE Waiver Process for California:

California has its own set of conditions for obtaining an FE waiver as you can see below:

FE Exam Waiver

North Carolina State applicants with 20 or more years of experience of practice may seek to waive the FE exam, and to do so, must submit an application to the Board for approval of the waiver before being permitted to take the PE exam. Applicants are urged to file their application well in advance of the NCEES exam registration deadline in order to assure the Board receives all the necessary information to review prior to the deadline.

In conclusion, understanding the requirements and regulations for FE exam waivers is crucial when pursuing licensure as a Professional Engineer. Remember to check with your state board for specific guidelines and ensure you meet all the necessary criteria and good luck on your engineering journey!


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PPI has helped engineers achieve their licensing goals since 1975. Passing the FE and PE exams can open doors to career advancement and new opportunities. Check out PPI’s wide range of prep options, including Live Online courses, OnDemand courses, and digital study tools to help prepare you to pass your licensing exam here.

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I’ll see you next week.

Anthony Fasano, P.E.
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success