Admission Information

A change of address and email address should be immediately reported to the Admissions and Records Office. You may change your address information online in Self-Service or in the Admissions and Records Office.

For students receiving financial aid, please go to the Admissions and Records Office to change your address.

Admission Procedures

To enroll at Cuyamaca College students should observe the following admission procedures:

  1. Apply Online: Before you can register for classes, you must fill out an application to the college. This can be done online, and it is free! Please visit to access the online application.
  2. Create Self-Service Account: Once your application is processed, please login to Self-Service to set up your student account. Your username will be your “firstname.lastname” (lowercase only) and your initial password will be your six-digit date of birth. (MMDDYY e.g. 06/02/2002 would be 060202). If you are having difficulty, please visit:
  3. Submit Official Transcripts to Admissions and Records: If you have attended another college, please have your official transcripts sent to the Admissions and Records office to have your transcripts evaluated, and to award prior credit for degrees and certificates; this includes all AP, CLEP, or IB credit. Official transcripts and scores must still be in the sealed official envelope when submitted.
  4. Complete the Online Orientation: Complete the online orientation on Self-Service. You may access the online orientation by signing into Self-Service, clicking on Students and under Orientation/Placement/Advise; click Step One - Online Orientation.
  5. Determine Math and English Placement: To determine placement for Math and English courses please take the questionnaire on Self-Service in the student Menu under “Orientation/Placement/Advise” (click on Step Two: Placement Questionnaire). For questions regarding your placement, please visit a counselor for guidance on which courses to take.
  6. Attend an Advising Session: Once you have completed the assessment test the next step is to complete an advising session. To complete online advising please login to Self-Service and click on “Students," then "Under Orientation/Placement/Advise," click "Step Three - Online Advising."
  7. Register for Classes: You will receive an e-mail indicating your registration date and time; in April for Summer and Fall, and November for Spring. The college year is divided into three sessions: Fall and Spring semesters and a summer session. You may then register for classes online using Self-Service. Self-Service online tutorials are available to assist you.
  8. Pay Fees: Once you have registered for classes you must now pay your tuition and fees. You can pay your fees via Self-Service or on campus at the Cashier's office.

Admission Requirements

High school graduates or equivalent, as well as students who are over 18 years of age and have the ability to benefit from the instruction offered, may attend Cuyamaca College.

Students who are 17 or younger before the start of the semester are required to show proof of high school graduation to the Admissions and Records Office.

While it may be advisable for a student to qualify for a high school diploma through a local adult school, non-graduates over 18 years of age may be admitted directly to Cuyamaca College.

Transfers from accredited colleges and universities are eligible for admission to Cuyamaca College.

Dual Enrollment: High school students in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, who are at least 14 years of age, may attend upon approval of a high school counselor and parent or guardian of the student. Courses attempted and units earned will be recorded on a college permanent record. High school students are not eligible to receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid, and if classified as a non-resident of California, will be responsible to pay non-resident tuition. For more information on Dual Enrollment, visit

Orientation, Placement, and New Student Advising

As vital components of the Student Success and Support Program, Placement, Orientation, and New Student Advising are expected of all new students.

The Counseling Department and Placement Center will utilize various means of evaluation to place students into the appropriate Math, English, and English as a Second Language (ESL) level. Students should take the Math and English placement questionnaire on Self-Service, then meet with a counselor for proper Math and English placement guidance. Students may obtain clearance from the Math and English placement if they have:

The Counseling Department and Placement Center are located in G-200 in the Student Services Building. For questions regarding Math and English placement, visit the "Placement" page of the Cuyamaca website at Accommodations are available to students with disabilities who plan on taking the Math and English placement.

Orientation and New Student Advising sessions provide important information to students about the programs and services available at the college as well as strategies for student success. New Student Advising sessions offer an opportunity for the new student to develop an Educational Plan, an important tool to assist students attain goals efficiently. New students must complete the Placement, Orientation, and New Student Advising Program for timely registration.

New, returning, or transfer students may be exempt from the process of Placement, Orientation, and New Student Advising. For a list of exemptions, see Student Success and Support Program.

Enrollment Priorities

Changes to course registration policies throughout the California community colleges will help students get the courses they need to meet their educational goals. With this new registration system, students who are making progress toward their goals will be rewarded for their efforts. Enrollment priorities in the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District are listed below:

Students will be placed in “groups” based on the criteria below. All new students are required to complete an orientation, assessment, and develop a student education plan in order to be eligible for priority enrollment.

Students placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof, or students who have earned 90 or more degree-applicable semester units in the GCCCD, lose their enrollment priority. Foster youth or former foster youth are exempt from losing enrollment priority due to failure to meet academic standards or for exceeding 90 units. The District will notify students in jeopardy of losing their enrollment priority due to probation or unit limits.

Loss of Enrollment Priority (Applies to all students including Veterans, CalWORKs, DSPS, and EOPS)

Students shall lose their enrollment priority based upon any of the following:

As per state regulations, Foster Youth are exempt from losing their enrollment priority status.

Petition of Loss of Enrollment Priority Status

Students may petition the loss of their enrollment priority based on one of the following criteria:

Students who wish to submit a petition may find the form by clicking here: Enrollment Priority (

Enrollment Verification

Each student who has an academic record on file at Cuyamaca College and who is not in arrears to the district with regards to fees, tuition, loans or other charges may request verification of enrollment (commonly used to verify enrollment for insurance purposes, scholarships, student worker eligibility, etc.) from the Admissions and Records Office. Verification of enrollment are processed within 5 working days, holidays and weekends are excluded. Exception: This charge will not be assessed for student loan deferments. Please note processing time does not include shipping.

Cuyamaca has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for verification of student enrollment status. Students can obtain an official Enrollment Verification Certificate at any time via the Clearinghouse website at: for a $4.95 charge per certificate.


Cuyamaca College is part of the California Community College system and requires enrollment, student center construction, and health services fees for all students, payable at the time of registration. Students are dropped from classes for non-payment of fees. The California College Promise Grant provides methods to assist low income students pay these fees. Eligibility requirements are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Students may purchase daily or semester parking permits. If a student elects to purchase a multi-car parking permit, the permit may be used on any number of vehicles, but entitles the student to the use of a single parking space per permit. See “Parking & Traffic Regulations” for more information.

Students are required to purchase their own textbooks and supplies and may be required to pay for equipment which is lost or broken after it has been issued.

All students are encouraged to support the student activity program through the purchase of a Student Benefit Card.

Registration Fees

Registration fees are expected at the time of registration. You will be held to all fees incurred. Students are dropped from classes for non-payment of fees. Registration is not complete until fees have been paid. Failure to pay will result in a hold on your records. Refund deadlines vary by class; refer to the Academic Calendar in the class schedule and It is the student’s responsibility to drop any classes that they do not plan to attend.

Students attending both Cuyamaca and Grossmont Colleges pay parking fees and health fees on one campus only. Enrollment and health fees for these students are calculated on a district basis. The District will not be requiring students to purchase parking permits for the 2024-2025 academic year. At this time students and visitors may park in any available student parking space. Restrictions include, but are not limited to, parking in a fire lane, staff parking, disabled placard misuse, and timed spaces. These areas will still be enforced and cited accordingly. This notice is effective through June 30, 2025 and includes summer session.

Auto Parking Permit - Fall & Spring Auto Parking Permit - Summer Motorcycle Parking Permit - Fall & Spring Motorcycle Parking Permit - Summer One Day Permit

Student Benefit Sticker: A Student Benefit Sticker may be purchased for $12. This sticker entitles students to free admission to all college-sponsored athletic events, 10% off all supplies from the College Bookstore (excluding textbooks), as well as special college and community discounts. The Student Benefit Sticker also helps the Associated Student Government of Cuyamaca College (ASGCC) to support various activities and programs on campus. The Student Benefit Sticker can be picked up in room I-121 starting the first day of the semester. For additional information, please call (619) 660-4612.

Health Fee: The mandatory health fee supports the Health and Wellness Center and provides for insurance coverage should a student be injured during a supervised, on-campus or college-related activity. Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing according to the teaching of a bona fide religious sect, denomination or organization may petition for an exemption from the health fee by submitting a written request to the Dean, Student Affairs. Requests for exemption will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Services and the Dean for Student Affairs. For additional information, please contact the Vice President of Student Services at (619) 660-4301.

Student Center Construction Fee is not applicable for summer session.

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Promise Program: Free college for first year students! Go to to find out how!

Zero Textbook Cost sections are designated with the ZTC symbol in the PDF version of the class schedule, and Self-Service, do not require students to purchase a textbook. These sections may have recommended (but not required) books, or may use free, openly licensed teaching and learning resources, such as Open Educational Resources (OER). ZTC sections may have a fee for items such as lab supplies, calculator, test forms, etc. but no conventional textbook fees.

Low Textbook Cost sections are designated with the LTC symbol in the PDF version of the class schedule, and Self-Service. The total cost of books, textbooks, and/or other instructional resources for this section will not exceed $40.00.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license. OER are legally available and free of cost to students. Class sections using OER with no textbook costs are designated as “OER ” in the class schedule.

Title 38 Beneficiaries (VA Education Benefits) Fees and Expenses Hold

Hold Preventing Drop for Non-Payment
Cuyamaca College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Secretary under chapter 31 or 33 of this title.

Covered individual is any individual who is entitled to CH 31 or CH 33 VA Educational benefits. A covered individual must complete the following to not have any of the above penalties imposed:

  1. Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to the Veterans Center no later than the first day of a term.
  2. Submit a completed Semester Veterans Center Worksheet to the Veterans Center.
  3. Provide all additional information needed to Veterans Center to certify covered individual’s enrollment certification to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

High School Courses for College Credit

High School students may earn college credit through the “Tech Prep” program. Tech Prep is an important school-to-work transition strategy, helping high school students make the connection between school, college and employment. To receive credit, high school students must enroll in an approved Career Technical Education (CTE) College Credit/Tech Prep course at a participating high school. Students must complete the course with a “B” or better. After the end of the semester, students must submit the CTE college credit form to the Cuyamaca College Admissions and Records Office. Credit will be earned via successful credit by examination and appropriately noted on the college transcript. High schools that participate in the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Tech Prep Program are:

Instructional Materials

Students may be required to purchase instructional and other materials required for a credit or non-credit course, provided that such materials are of continuing value to a student outside of the classroom setting, and provided that such materials are not solely or exclusively available from the district.

International Student Program


  1. Applications for admission must be received by the following deadlines:
    1. Fall Semester – June 1
    2. Spring semester – November 1
      All application materials must be received by the above deadlines.

    Full-Time Status

    An international student must maintain a minimum of 12 units with a 2.0 grade point average each fall and spring semester at Cuyamaca College.

    Financial Resources

    1. Each international student must submit a complete financial statement. The financial statement must indicate the ability of the student to finance the year’s education to the satisfaction of the Admissions and Records Office (approximately $30,116 per year).
    2. An international student attending Cuyamaca College must pay international student tuition and other fees as required by the Governing Board.
    3. Financial aid is not available for international students.
    4. An international student may not work off-campus while attending college unless approval is granted by the Department of Homeland Security and the International Student Specialist in Admissions and Records. In some instances an international student may, after completing at least two semesters, work on campus for 20 hours per week.


    Cuyamaca College strongly recommends that international students obtain a health and accident insurance policy. The Health and Wellness Center has information on where to acquire such a policy.


    Cuyamaca College does not have on-campus housing; however, we do work with a home family agency. Information is available in the Admissions and Records Office. The college assumes no responsibility for providing or supervising such housing facilities.

    Grading Standards

    International students are subject to all Cuyamaca College grading, probation and disqualification standards.

    Notification of Admission

    Students will be notified of their acceptance to Cuyamaca College as soon as their application materials are received and approved. Students need to be available for preregistration orientation and educational counseling approximately four weeks prior to the start of each semester.

    Refund Schedule

    The refund schedule for international student tuition, nonresident tuition, enrollment, student center construction and health services fees is as follows: