Test Cases for ECommerce Website

E-commerce websites are the most complex and intricate websites out there. This is due to their navigation, product categorization, preview functionalities, and key features like payment gateway integrations.

So it is non-negotiable while developing eCommerce websites to undergo rigorous testing, ensuring all the functionalities work together in harmony without affecting the user experience.

Table of Contents

Why test E-commerce Websites?

Whatever the platform, web or mobile, overcoming eCommerce website challenges such as cart abandonment, responsiveness, bad UX, and unstable checkout procedures is paramount .

Let’s look at the different types of eCommerce testing and how they ensure their websites fare well with consumers.

Types of Ecommerce Testing

Ecommerce websites function like any other web/mobile website. Hence it undergoes various types of testing, such as:

Test Cases for eCommerce websites

Now that we have the different types of testing applicable, it’s time to delve into the sample test cases for ecommerce website. To create practical test cases for ecommerce website , one must understand the structure of a typical site.

There are many features in an eCommerce website – hero carousel/slider, search, filter, product details, payments, checkout, etc. each having a pre-defined functionality.

For example, Every search bar should show relevant results, i.e., searching for electronics should show all categories like mobiles, TVs, cameras, etc.

Going ahead, we’ll pick a few significant features and list the test cases for eCommerce website:

General Ecommerce Test Cases

Login/Registration test cases for Online Shopping Website

Amazon Log in - test cases for ecommerce website

Seller Product Creation Test Cases

For sellers who want to create their catalog, they should be able to add their products, and this flow should be tested.

Search Bar Test Cases for Online Shopping Website

Amazon Search Bar

Filter Results

Amazon Filter - test cases for ecommerce website

Example of a filter

Product Detail Test Cases

Amazon Product Details - test cases for ecommerce website

Shopping Cart

Amazon ShoppingCart - test cases for ecommerce website

Checkout Page

Amazon Checkout - sample ecommerce test cases


Amazon Payments - sample ecommerce test cases

As you can see, an eCommerce website has many more tests or features, and testing each is very time-consuming and requires effort. Thankfully, a few tools and techniques are available to ease the website testing process.

Test Management Banner 4

With Browserstack:

Test Cases for ECommerce Website

Testing Ecommerce Websites using Browserstack

To test eCommerce websites, Browserstack Live is the most effective way of going about it and giving the above test cases a run. Users can log/sign up and test their website by giving the URL.

Let’s have a look at amazon.com with BrowserStack Live.

BrowserStack Live - test cases for online shopping website

(Loading live testing session on Google Chrome 112 running on macOS Ventura)

BrowserStack Live - test cases for online shopping website

Amazon.com loaded on BrowserStack Live

This is the Amazon homepage loaded on a macOS Monterey on Chrome browser. Users can navigate through the website and test key features and website flow.

Let’s load the eBay website on Speedlab and look at its performance report.

Ebay Speedlab

Here is what the dashboard looks like provides a list of devices and browsers, and operating systems. Based on your preference, you can choose the right device-OS-browser combination.

On clicking Get Report, you see the following page. Once it is done loading, the report is generated.

Speedlab Amazon

Some sample reports are already available if one wants to look at them.

SpeedLab Report

Here is the website’s final report; scrolling down, you get the details of each parameter used to calculate the score. Some recommendations can be implemented to improve the score.


Key Takeaways

When building test scenarios for eCommerce businesses online, take the above sample test cases for ecommerce website into account. The essential part of eCommerce testing is whether the website successfully converts visitors to paying customers. One can make a detailed test plan, formulate test cases, and leverage such tools to perform tests.

Of course, depending on the suite’s nature, more tests may be required. However, the tests described above must necessarily form a part of any QA blueprint of an eCommerce site. No matter which test case you consider, always remember to test them using a real device cloud like BrowserStack for accurate results.