Classification in Reasoning - Practice Questions

Check your proficiency in questions based on Classification.


DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 5: Choose the word which is least like other words in the group.

Suggested Action

4. Aluminium

2. Marigold

5. November

DIRECTIONS for questions 6 to 9: Choose the odd pair of words.

1. Blacksmith : Anvil

2. Carpenter : Saw

3. Barber : Scissor

4. Goldsmith : Ornaments

5. Sculptor ; Chisel

1. Painter : Gallery

2. Actor : Stage

3. Mason : Wall

4. farmer : Field

5. Worker : Factory

1. Cow : Calf

2. Dog : Bitch

3. Lion : Cub

4. Tortoise : Turtle

5. Insect : Larva

1. Volume : Litre

2. Time : Seconds

3. Length : Metre

4. Resistance : Ohm

5.Pressure : Barometer

1. White : Dirty

2. Easy : Difficult

3. Brave : Coward

4. End : Beginning

DIRECTIONS for questions 11 to 15: in each of the following questions, five pairs of words are given, out of which the words is four pairs bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pairs in which the words are differently related.

1. Shoe : Leather

2. Iron : Axe

3. Table : Wood

4. Jewellery : Gold

5. Shirt : Fabric

1. Mason : Wall

2. Cobbler : Shoe

3. Farmer : Crop

4. Chef : Cook

5. Choreographer : Ballet

1. Daring : Timed

2. Beautiful : Pretty

3. Clear : Vague

4. Youth : Adult

5. Native : Alien

1. See : Eye

2. Hear : Ears

3. Smell : Nose

4. Touch : Skin

5. Tongue : Taste

1. Bottle : Wine

2. Cup : Tea

3. Pitcher : Water

4. Ball : Bat

5. Inkpot : Ink

Verbal Reasoning: Concepts & Practice

DIRECTIONS for questions 16 to 20: In each of the following questions, certain pairs of words are given, out of which the words in all pairs except one, bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related.

1. Car : Road

2. Ship : Sea

3. Rocket : Space

4. Aeroplane : Pilot

1. Beautician : Parlour

2. Chemist : Medicine

3. Lawyer : Court

4. Engineer : Site

1. Saw : Wood

2. Pen : Paper

3. Author : Book

4. Chalk : Blackboard

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1. Water : Thirst

2. Talent: Education

3. Food: Hunger

4. Air : Suffocation

1. Apple : Jam

2. Lemon : Citrus

3. Orange : Squash

4. Tomato : Pury

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1. 4 Here, all except Horse, are wild animals, while Horse can be domesticated.
2. 2 Sol. Here, all except Bat, belong to the class of Aves (birds), while Bat is a mammal. Hence, the answer is 2.
3. 3 Here, all except Brass are metals, while Brass is an alloy, Hence, the answer is 3
4. 1 Here, all except Apple are flowers, while Apple is a fruit. Hence, the answer is 1.
5. 1 Here, all except November are months having 31 days, while November has 30 days. Hence the answer is 1.
6. 4 In all other pairs, second is the tool used by the first.
7. 3 In all other pairs, second is the working place of the first.
8. 2 In all other pairs second is the young one of the first, while in 2. Second is the female of the first.
9. 5 In all other pairs second is the unit to measure the first. On the other hand, barometer is an instrument.
10. 1 In all other pairs, the two words are antonyms of each other.
11. 2 In all other pairs, first is a product made from the second.
12. 4 In all other pairs, second is prepared by the first.
13. 2 In all other pairs, the two words are antonyms of each other.
14. 5 In all other pairs, first denotes the function performed by the second.
15. 4 In all other pairs, first is used to hold the second.
16. 4 In all other pairs, first is the means of transport on the medium denoted by the second.
17. 2 In all other pairs, second is the place where first works.
18. 3 In all other pares, first is the tool which works over the second.
19. 2 In all other pairs, lack of first causes the second.
20. 2 In all other pairs, second is the form in which the first is preserved.

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