Know Your Rights: How Much Can a Landlord Charge for Damages?

Learn the ins and outs of repair charges in rental properties. From distinguishing between normal wear and tear to understanding tenant rights, this guide provides clarity for both landlords and tenants on financial responsibilities in property maintenance.

Nichole Stohler Last Updated June 11, 2024

Know Your Rights: How Much Can <a href=a Landlord Charge for Damages?" width="" />

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How much can landlords legally charge for repairs when tenants leave cracks in walls or permanent stains in carpets? Can property management companies bill tenants for a complete room repainting after a few scuffs appear?

Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, if you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, this guide will offer definitive answers, providing insight into financial rights and responsibilities regarding repair charges along the way.

Understanding necessary repairs is important, as it relates to both landlord responsibilities for property maintenance and tenant rights to address issues themselves if the landlord fails to act.

We’ll examine what costs landlords can pass on for repairs resulting from tenant damages, as well as tenant protections against excessive charges. So, if you want to learn what exactly distinguishes appropriate charges from normal wear and tear when it comes to tenant-caused damages, let’s get started.

What tenants need to know about damage costs

Renters are legally protected by laws that impose constraints around excessive charges for property damages. Tenants should understand their rights, the difference between considered normal wear and tear and property damage, and options for disputing charges if they believe them to be inaccurate or unreasonable.

It is also important to review the lease or rental agreement to understand who is responsible for repairs and maintenance.

What is the maximum amount a landlord can charge for property damage?

The amount a landlord can legally charge a tenant for property damage depends on state laws and local regulations. Landlord-tenant law governs these charges, ensuring that landlords charge reasonable, justifiable amounts based on the extent of the property damage.

In some states, landlords can deduct repair costs directly from the tenant’s security deposit. These deductions should accurately reflect the expenses incurred to fix damages attributable to the tenant’s actions or negligence.

For minor issues requiring basic cleaning, landlords typically can only charge small fees. However, extensive repairs or cleaning generated by the tenant may warrant charges from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on the specific circumstances.

Normal wear and tear versus property damage

What is normal wear and tear infographic

Tenants and landlords should understand the difference between property damage and normal wear and tear in rental properties. Here’s a breakdown of the distinction between the two:

Repair responsibilities must be outlined in the rental agreement to ensure clear communication and understanding of rights and responsibilities.

Normal wear and tear

Normal wear and tear refers to the natural decline of a rental property that happens over time with regular use, even if the tenant has taken reasonable care of the premises. Examples of damages considered normal wear and tear include:

Unlike property damage, normal wear and tear is unavoidable and does not warrant charges or deductions from tenants' security deposits. Landlords are responsible for taking care of these repairs as part of regular maintenance and should not hold tenants financially accountable for them.

Property damage

Property damage encompasses any harm or deterioration beyond ordinary wear and tear caused to a rental unit. It includes any actions or incidents that significantly damage the property and require extensive repair, such as:

In such cases, the tenant is responsible for repairing or compensating the landlord for the damages. Tenants may be charged for the cost of repairs or replacement, depending on the scope of the damage.

Disputing charges for damages

If you’re a tenant who believes the amount your landlord is charging you for property damages may be inaccurate or unreasonable, here are some steps you can take to formally dispute those charges:

Landlord responsibilities and best practices

Now that we’ve covered key considerations for tenants, it’s equally important for landlords to have clarity when assessing and charging for property damages to be sure they act fairly and legally.

Landlords can make tenants pay for repairs by pursuing reimbursement for repair costs, making repairs quickly to protect the property, filing renters' insurance claims, using the security deposit for unpaid rent or damages, and making tenants responsible for small repairs as outlined in the rental agreement.

Determining tenant damage costs

If your property is damaged, how do you fairly determine repair expenses to charge tenants? Consider the following factors to calculate costs:

Notifying tenants of charges for damages

If your rental property is damaged, you should follow these communication protocols to best address the problem with tenants:

  1. Document the damage: Take photographs or videos that show the extent of the damage and can serve as evidence during discussions with the tenant.
  1. Notify the tenant in writing: Write a formal letter explaining the property damage. Provide details about the damage, its location, and any potential consequences. Create a tenant damage charge list for the estimated costs. Inform the tenant that you may deduct repair expenses from their security deposit per the terms of the lease agreement.
  2. Request immediate action: Ask the tenant to address the damage promptly by arranging repairs or contacting their renter's insurance provider.
  3. Keep a copy of the correspondences: Make sure to keep a copy of the repair notice for your records. Sending the letter via certified mail or with proof of delivery provides supplemental documentation.

Strategies for managing apartment damages

Strategies for managing damages infographic

While documenting and recouping costs for repairs is important, preventing disputes around property damages helps to reach a resolution more quickly and peacefully. Proactive policies and open communication allow landlords and tenants to manage situations around property damage successfully.

Open communication

Both landlords and tenants should establish a clear line of communication and promptly report any issues or concerns related to damages.

Consider establishing a streamlined procedure for landlords and tenants to process maintenance requests through an online portal or mobile app such as Azibo's maintenance and messaging tool. This type of accessible, user-friendly system allows tenants to immediately report damages as they occur.

Move-in and move-out inspections

Move-in inspections should be a collaborative process, with both the landlord and the tenant conducting a walk-through of the rental property together. This gives tenants the chance to understand maintenance responsibilities and ask questions directly.

When the tenant moves out, any new damages can be identified and documented through these joint reports. The reports serve as liability records, documenting damage responsibility and providing evidence in case of contested liability when repairs are needed.

Clear lease agreements

The lease agreement should establish landlords' and tenants' rights and responsibilities regarding property damages. It should outline the tenant's obligations to maintain the property, report damages on time, and be held accountable for any damages caused by their negligence.

Landlords should verify that the lease agreement complies with local laws and regulations to avoid legal complications. Consider having an attorney review the lease terms regarding damages and the tenant's security deposit.

Ongoing property inspections

Aside from move-in and move-out inspections, landlords should consistently leverage property inspections to identify and address potential damages. Conducting intermittent inspections allows you to assess the property's condition and identify maintenance issues early on.

How Azibo can help with managing repair costs and disputes

Navigating repair costs and disputes between landlords and tenants can be challenging, but Azibo offers comprehensive tools to streamline these processes, ensuring both parties have a clear, fair, and efficient way to handle issues related to property damage.

Seamless Communication and Documentation

Azibo's maintenance and messaging tools provide a streamlined platform for landlords and tenants to report and address maintenance issues promptly. By using Azibo, landlords can easily document and communicate repair needs, while tenants can report damages in real-time. This ensures that all parties are on the same page and have access to up-to-date information about the property's condition.

Clear and Comprehensive Lease Agreements

Azibo helps landlords create clear and legally compliant lease agreements that outline the responsibilities of both parties regarding property maintenance and repairs. By defining these terms upfront, Azibo reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and disputes, ensuring that tenants are aware of their obligations and landlords are protected from unjustifiable claims.

Insurance Integration

For damages caused by unforeseen events, Azibo integrates with insurance providers to streamline the claims process. This ensures that both landlords and tenants are adequately covered and that repair costs are handled efficiently without unnecessary financial strain on either party.

Streamlined Rent Collection

Azibo’s rent collection platform simplifies the payment process for both landlords and tenants. It ensures that any charges for repair costs can be clearly communicated and documented alongside regular rent payments. This transparency helps in maintaining trust and clarity regarding any deductions or additional charges that may arise from property damage.

How Azibo Can Help with Managing Repair Costs and Disputes

Navigating repair costs and disputes between landlords and tenants can be challenging, but Azibo offers comprehensive tools to streamline these processes, ensuring both parties have a clear, fair, and efficient way to handle issues related to property damage.

Seamless communication and documentation

Azibo's maintenance and messaging tools provide a streamlined platform for landlords and tenants to report and address maintenance issues promptly. By using Azibo, landlords can easily document and communicate repair needs, while tenants can report damages in real-time. This ensures that all parties are on the same page and have access to up-to-date information about the property's condition.

Clear and comprehensive lease agreements

Azibo helps landlords create clear and legally compliant lease agreements that outline the responsibilities of both parties regarding property maintenance and repairs. By defining these terms upfront, Azibo reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and disputes, ensuring that tenants are aware of their obligations and landlords are protected from unjustifiable claims.

Insurance integration

For damages caused by unforeseen events, Azibo integrates with insurance providers to streamline the claims process. This ensures that both landlords and tenants are adequately covered and that repair costs are handled efficiently without unnecessary financial strain on either party.

Streamlined rent collection and bookkeeping

In addition to rent collection on Azibo's platform, there is a robust and customizable invoicing tool that can be used to collect repair costs directly from tenants. The customizable invoices include receiving accounts, so that funds are directly deposited to your bank account. Request payment feature includes due dates, payment notes, and transaction details to tag the transaction with a category and property details for easy bookkeeping.

Can a landlord bill you for damages?

Property damages may happen despite both the landlord's and tenant's best intentions. When damages strike, how can both parties handle repairs and associated costs fairly?

For tenants, the keys are distinguishing destruction from ordinary wear, referencing local laws limiting charges, and formally disputing unreasonable bills. On the landlords' side, they should aim to recover warranted expenses without impacting cooperative rapport with tenants.

Establishing open communication channels, detailed documentation procedures, and clear lease agreements lays the groundwork for smooth coordination between tenants and landlords when managing property damages.

Ready to experiance how Azibo can help you streamline your rental business? Renters' and landlord insurance should cover these costs.

Can a landlord charge you for repairs in California?

In California, landlords can charge for repairs if the damage exceeds normal wear and tear. They cannot charge for repairs due to regular use or aging of the property.

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

Author Photo

Nichole Stohler

Nichole co-founded Gateway Private Equity Group, with a history of investments in single-family and multi-family properties, and now a specialization in hotel real estate investments. She is also the creator of, a blog dedicated to real estate investing.