Tax Collector

Delinquent penalties and fees are applied to property tax assessments in accordance with the laws set forth in the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. Waiver of these penalties may be considered at the Tax Collector's discretion in very specific circumstances, as identified in the R&T Code sections indicated below:

Please note that the following circumstances do NOT qualify for penalty abatement. Any requests citing these circumstances will immediately be denied.

If you believe your circumstances qualify under the identified code sections and would like to apply for a penalty waiver, please download, print, and complete the Application for Waiver of Delinquent Penalties/Fees form. Indicate the reason you believe you qualify for a penalty waiver and return the form to us with the appropriate documentation, along with two checks: one for the original tax amount, and one for the penalty/fee amount only. If your application is approved, the check written for the penalty/fee amount will be returned to you. If your application is not approved, both checks will be processed to satisfy the amount due on the bill. Please be sure that you have funds available in your account to satisfy both checks. If either check is returned for any reason, the entire payment will be reversed and you will be assessed a Returned Item fee of $85.

Please return to San Mateo County Tax Collector, Attn: Appeals, 555 County Center, First Floor, Redwood City, CA 94063.

PLEASE NOTE: For your own convenience, please DO NOT send appeal forms and payments to the PO Box payment processing address. Any checks received at the PO Box will be cashed immediately. This may result in a wait time of up to 6 weeks to receive a refund of penalties if your appeal is approved. We can not intercept appeal forms/payments sent to the PO Box prior to processing.

Please note that we WILL NOT consider any application received without payment as outlined above. Applications received without payment, or missing supporting documentation, will automatically be denied.

Waiver of penalties is at the Tax Collector's discretion based on reason and supporting documentation, and is not guaranteed. The Tax Collector maintains a strict interpretation of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and all decisions are made in accordance with the legally allowable circumstances as outlined above.

Please note that failure to receive a tax bill that was generated and mailed timely by the Tax Collector is NOT a qualifying circumstance, per R&T Code section 2610.5, which states in part failure to receive a tax bill shall not relieve the lien of taxes, nor shall it prevent the imposition of penalties imposed.