Did Meghan Trainor Play Martha in High School Musical?

An internet meme claims that Meghan Trainor played Martha Cox in the High School Musical movies. Is this true or false?

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It’s false.

Let’s first take a look at the meme currently in circulation, which reads, “Meghan Trainor is Martha from high school musical. Let that sink in.”

meghan trainor high school musical

It appears that a similar meme was popularized by the Twitter account Anti Joke Apple in early 2015.


The meme hints at vague similarities between singer-songwriter Meghan Trainor and KayCee Stroh, the actress who played Martha in the High School Musical movies. There are, however, obvious flaws in the comparison. Trainor was born in 1993 and would have been about 12 when the first High School Musical was filmed (it was released in January 2006). Further, it only takes a cursory IMDb lookup to find Stroh listed as the actress who played Martha.

As you can see from the Google Trends chart below, interest in the topic began in early 2015 and has had several peaks in interest since then.

In a similar manner, another popular meme in 2015 claimed that the child star of the 1990s movie “Matilda” grew up to be a man.

Video Summary

Below is a short video, summarizing the information in this article.

Bottom Line

Meghan Trainor did not play Martha in the High School Musical movies. It appears that this rumor may have started as a joke using vague similarities between the two women. Martha was played by actress KayCee Stroh.

Updated December 19, 2015
Originally published February 2015