Protection and Preservation of Property Sample Clauses

Protection and Preservation of Property. This section covers reasonable and necessary costs incurred for actions to temporarily protect or preserve covered property, provided such actions are necessary due to actual, or to prevent immediately impending, insured physical loss or damage to such covered property. For this condition, reasonable and necessary means:

Protection and Preservation of Property. In the event of loss likely to be covered by this “Memorandum,” “You” shall endeavor to protect covered property from further damage and shall separate the damaged and undamaged personal property and store in the best possible order, and shall furnish a complete inventory of the destroyed, damaged and undamaged property to “Us.” In case of actual or imminent physical loss or damage of the type insured against by this “Memorandum,” the expenses incurred by “You” in taking reasonable and necessary actions for the temporary protection and preservation of property insured hereunder shall be added to the total physical loss or damage otherwise recoverable under this “Memorandum” and be subject to the applicable deductible and without increase in the limit provisions contained in this “Memorandum.” Due to the unique nature of Health Care Facilities where it is deemed necessary to evacuate patients from the premises in order to reduce the physical loss potential from an actual or imminent loss or damage by a peril not excluded herein, all terms and conditions of this clause will apply to the expenses incurred as a result of the evacuation.

Protection and Preservation of Property. In case of actual or imminent physical loss or damage of the type insured against by this “Memorandum”, the expenses incurred by the “Member” in taking reasonable and necessary actions for the temporary protection and preservation of property insured hereunder shall be added to the total physical loss or damage otherwise recoverable under the “Memorandum” and be subject to the applicable deductible and without increase in the limit provisions contained in this “Memorandum”.

Protection and Preservation of Property. In consideration of the premium paid, and subject to the exclusions, conditions and limitations of the policy to which this extension is attached, in case of actual or imminent physical loss or damage of the type insured against by this policy, this policy is extended to cover the expenses incurred by the Insured in taking reasonable and necessary actions for the temporary protection and preservation of property insured hereunder, which expenses shall be added to the physical loss or damage otherwise recoverable, if any, under the policy and be subject to the applicable deductible without increase in the limit provisions contained in this policy. The expenses so incurred shall be borne by the Insured and the company proportionally to the extent of their respective interests. The company's portion of such expenses shall be limited to the extent that such expenses reduce loss which would otherwise be payable under this Policy.

Protection and Preservation of Property. In case of actual or imminent sudden and accidental direct physical damage by a Covered Cause of Loss, the expenses incurred by you in taking reasonable and necessary actions for the temporary protection and preservation of Covered Property shall be added to the total physical damage otherwise recoverable under this Policy and be subject to the applicable Deductible, Sublimit of Insurance, and Policy limit.

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